Boris Fritz
Adjunct Associate Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Boris Fritz is an adjunct Professor at University of Southern California, in the department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, as well as at Loyola Marymount University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, currently teaching courses in Additive Manufacturing since 2015. He has also done consulting in Additive Manufacturing primarily for Barnell Aerospace. Team Member of the Bubble Base of NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge for Deep Space Exploration: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/centennial_challenges/3DPHab/about.htmlHe retired from Northrop Grumman Aerospace in 2013 as an Engineer 5, formerly working in the Additive Manufacturing Technology & Development Department and in charge of the Rapid Manufacturing Lab for 22 years until October 2013.
He was also part time faculty at Loyola Marymount University from 2001 - 2008. He has three patents.
He has been very active with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) since the early nineties, founding its national Nanomanufacturing Technical Group, being Vice Chair of the Innovation Watch Committee, as well as having been on the board of the Manufacturing Enterprise Council, and national Chair of the Rapid Technologies & Additive Manufacturing (RTAM) Community in 2003, and on their Advisory Board for 6 years. He has also been on the Advisory Board of SME's RAPID Conference for the last 15 years ongoing, as well as speaking at that conference on the State of the Industry of Nanomanufacturing and chairing sessions for many years up to the present time.
He has published and presented many papers on Additive Manufacturing at numerous Universities & conferences in the US & Europe.
He was also one of the subject matter experts on 5 continents who helped create the Additive Manufacturing Technology Roadmap for Australia, 2011.
Fritz was also a member of the Foresight Nanotech Institute's Roadmap Working Group, 2005-2007 and the U.S. representative to GARPA (Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations) from 2001 through 2006 (http://www.garpa.org).
He was on the Editorial Advisory Board of Time Compression Technology Magazine, 2002 -2005. He has won 4 World Excellence Awards in the field of Stereolithography, 2 of them first place (1995 & 2001).
He also contributed to the prestigious Wohlers Report 2001, 2003, 2007-2010, providing the section on Nanotechnology; this is the annual state of the Rapid Prototyping industry book published by Terry Wohlers (http://www.wohlersassociates.com/). From 2003-present, annual Speaker at USCs Space Architecture Graduate Seminar, for the Department of Astronautics.
In 1998 he received the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Award of the Engineers Council of California.
Fritz has also worked as a consultant on Additive Manufacturing for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) 11/1996 – 09/1997.
He is featured in the National Geographic documentary 'Hitler's Stealth Fighter' available now on YouTube.
In 2013 he co-authored the paper 3D Printing of Food for Space Missions through the Dept of Astronautics at USC, which included a write-up on Wired Magazine (Mann, Adam, (2013) http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/02/3-d-food-printer-space/) and a presentation at AIAA in 2014.
His webinar on the Silent Industrial Revolution of Additive Mfg and its transition into Nanotechnology is available at: http://www.sme.org/nanotechnology-webinars/ as well as on YouTube under Boris Fritz Silent Revolution.
He spoke on Additive Mfg and its Transition into Nanomanufacturing at the Pacific Design & Mfg Show at Anaheim Convention Center in CA in Spring of 2014.
He has been a thesis advisor in 2019 at Loyola Marymount University's School of Engineering and is currently a Thesis advisor at USC as well.
In 2019 he spoke on Additive Manufacturing at ASM International, at USC’s CAM Lab, and for the Michigan Professionals Group in Irvine.
He has also achieved the Additive Manufacturing Master rating through the Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME).
He is currently editing a French Science Fiction novel for publication in the US called Darwin's Mark about astronauts exploring Saturn's Moon Enceladus.
Fritz also does research and teaching in the field of archaeoastronomy & has spoken several times at the Conference On Precession & Ancient Knowledge (CPAK). He has been married for 41 years. He practices and teaches the Filipino Martial Arts as well as practicing Bukti Negara - an Indonesian Martial Art.
He has a B.A. in Philosophy from Occidental College, an M.A. in Asian Studies from Claremont McKenna Graduate School, and is a Ph.D. Candidate in the History of Religions at UCLA.
Professional Memberships: Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA), National Space Society (NSS).
Research Summary
Awards and Achievements:1. Three patents related to the Additive Manufacturing (AM) industry, two of them relating AM to Sheet Metal Forming 5901593 & 4824672, and one using AM for an open cell structural foam for space applications 6,609,043.
2. Received the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Award of the Engineers Council of California in 1998.
3. Gave a webinar at Northrop Grumman Aerospace on February 7, 2012, entitled: The Next Industrial Revolution: Additive Layer Manufacturing and its Transition into Nanomanufacturing. Talk available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQanwzHIV3k 1hr 3min in length.
4. Featured in the National Geographic documentary 'Hitler's Stealth Fighter' available now on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqgfjXaJxV8
5. 2003-present - Regular Speaker at USC Space Architecture Graduate Seminar, for the Department of Astronautics.
6. Guest speaker on Cryogenic Processing of Rapid Prototyping Materials at TCT2002 in October 2002, Manchester, UK. Trip paid for by Time Compression Technologies Magazine, and paper published by Time Compression Technologies Magazine.
7. Guest speaker on the future of Rapid Technologies at the International Space University (ISU) summer program 2002, at Cal Poly Pomona (http://www.isunet.edu/).
8. Contributor to the prestigious Wohlers Report 2001, 2003, 2007-2010 (section on Nanotechnology) the annual state of the Rapid Prototyping industry book published by Terry Wohlers (http://www.wohlersassociates.com/).
9. The only person to win 4 World Excellence Awards in the field of Stereolithography (3D Printing), 2 of them first place (1995 & 2001) as well free trip to present at European SLA Conference in Munich, Germany, 1995.
10. U.S. representative to GARPA (Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations) from 2001 through 2006. At that time GARPA consisted of 18 countries whose respective Rapid Prototyping (RP) Associations were active members. Terry Wohlers and I were the 2 US representatives.
11. Organizer and speaker at The Next Industrial Revolution: Nanotechnology & Manufacturing Conference, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN, August 23 -24, 2006.
12. Fritz was one of the 30 experts on 5 continents that was asked to review the Additive Manufacturing Technology Roadmap for Australia, 2011.
13. Member of Conference Advisory Committee for Westec 2006 & 2007 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, March 27-30 including being Track Chair, session chair and speaker for the 2-day event of Rapid Technologies: the Coming Revolution in Manufacturing. Also, Track Chair for the 2-day event of Molecular Nanotechnology and the Future of Manufacturing.
14. Member of the Foresight Nanotech Institute Roadmap Working Group, 2005-2007
15. Quoted in news feed on new US Innovations 03/16/11: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Innovations-That-Could-Change-bw-3201269519.html?x=0
C. Publications: (includes both journal and conference publication)
1. Joshua Solberg, Boris Fritz, and Rafiq Noorani. 3D Printing a Kuen Surface. Presented and published at WEEF conference in Seoul, South Korea. November 2016
2. Boris FRITZ , Rafiq NOORANI and Ryan SANDERS. Correct Hole Sizing for 3D Printing. Presented and published at WEEF conference in Seoul, South Korea. November 2016
3. M. Terfansky, M. Thangavelu, B. Fritz, B. Khosnevis ‘3D PRINTING OF FOOD FOR SPACE MISSIONS AIAA Conference 2014, published in the proceedings.:
4. Interviewed for Wired Magazine by Mann, Adam, (2013) http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/02/3-d-food-printer-space/
5. V. Vega, J. Clements, T. Lam, A. Abad, B. Fritz, N. Ula, and O.S. Es-Said The Effect of Layer Orientation on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of a Polymer Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, August, 2011
6. F. Fuentes. A. Gallardo Jr. J. Martinez1, J. Bulman1, J. Foyos1, M. Mendelson1, R. Noorani1, B. Fritz2, EFFECTS OF CRYOGENIC AGING ON A RAPID PROTOTYPED (RP) POLYMER, 2002 Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Conference in the University of Texas at Austin, August, 5-7, 2002. Published in the proceedings.
7. A. Gregorian, B. Elliot, R. Navarro, F. Ochoa, H. Singh, E. Monge, J. Foyos, R. Noorani, B. Fritz, S. Jayanthi, Accuracy Improvement in Rapid Prototyping Machine (FDM-1650). 2001 Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Conference in the University of Texas at Austin, August, 2001. Published in the proceedings.
8. Fritz, B. Noorani, R. Form Sheet Metal with RP Tooling, Advanced Materials & Processes, Materials Park, Ohio, Vol. 155, No. 4, April 1999, pp. 37. NOTE: Brazil Maquinas e Metais, a technical magazine, has translated the Metal Forming using Rapid Tooling article into Portuguese and published it for their December, 1999 issue.
9. Q. Dao, J. C. Frimodig, H. N. Le, X.-Z. Li, S. B. Putnam, K. Golda, J. Foyos, R. Noorani, and B. Fritz, Calculation of Shrinkage Compensation Factors for Rapid Prototyping, Computer Applications in Engineering Technology, New York, NY, Vol. 7, Number 3, 1999.
10. Fritz, B. Noorani, R. Material Forming Using Rapid Tooling, Proceedings of the Integrated Design and Process Technology, Berlin, Germany, July 6-9, 1998, pp. 13 - 18.
11. The Rapid Prototyping Report published a story on my sheet metal forming work at Northrop Grumman for their October 1999, issue.
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Boris Fritz has not listed an office location.
- yugayogi@gmail.com