‘SC ARC Wins 4th Place in Sacramento Bot Battles

Recap of ‘SC ARC’s victories. (Zoom in incase for bigger view)

On April 5th, 2024, ‘SC Advanced Robotic Combat (ARC) showcased their 15-pound robot, named the Queen of Hearts, at the Sacramento Bot Battles. Their robot dominated the competition and outperformed established collegiate teams such as UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Merced, and Sierra College. ‘SC ARC received the “Most Destructive Award” and secured 4th place by defeating 4 out of 6 opponents.

“I am extremely proud of the group…this is only our first year in operation…we did not have any USC funding for the robot’s construction. We were able to obliterate many feared competitors and quickly repair our own robot due to the many hours that the team put in practicing robot repairs and driving…I’m confident that our team will make a deep run, even as rookies.” Explained David Le, the president of ‘SC ARC.

‘SC ARC is the only open-membership robotics team at USC, offering an exhilarating educational experience using combat robotics to bring the excitement of Battlebots to students with easy access.

You can watch the highlight of the Queen of Hearts’ battles here.

Published on May 1st, 2024Last updated on May 1st, 2024