USC AME Senior Faculty Positions
The University of Southern California invites applications for multiple tenured positions at the Associate Professor or full Professor rank in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Candidates must have demonstrated research excellence with external funding and sustained commitment to the discipline. An earned doctorate in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field, is required. Exceptional candidates may be considered for a chaired professorship.
While applicants from all research fields will be considered, priority will be given to those whose research aligns with one or more of the following affinity areas: (i) Computational Science and Engineering; (ii) Sustainability and Computing; and/or (iii) Computational Medicine and Health. Positions are available starting August 16, 2025.
For more details and application instructions for this position, see https://ame.usc.edu/facultypositions/.
2 Asst. Professor Positions in ME
California State University at Long Beach has openings for 2 assistant professors in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics The department is seeking candidates with specialization in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with applications to mechanical and aerospace systems. Also desirable is experience in teaching courses in the areas of Dynamics, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. For additional details, see the posting at https://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/lb/en-us/job/543712/assistant-professor-of-mechanical-and-aerospace-engineering-artificial-intelligence.
Advanced and Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing The department is also seeking candidates with specialization in the broad areas of material science, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy. The successfull candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in mechanical engineering’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing areas as well as undergraduate fundamental courses in Mechanical Engineering curriculum. For more information, visit https://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/lb/en-us/job/543716/assistant-professor-of-mechanical-and-aerospace-engineering-advanced-and-sustainable-materials-and-manufacturing.
Asst. Professor-Energy Storage/Battery
The Albert Nerken School of Engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure-track faculty position in mechanical engineering. The candidate should be able and willing to teach broadly across the undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum. Exceptional candidates from all areas of expertise are encouraged to apply. Additional consideration will be given to those capable of creating opportunities for students at the intersection of mechanical engineering and other disciplines or with expertise in areas such as aerospace, automotive, acoustics, sustainability, computational modeling, or design and manufacturing. Candidates interested in contributing to our K-12 STEM outreach programs and in engaging students in competitions or service-learning in our community are also encouraged to apply.
For more information on this position, visit https://cooper.edu/work/employment-opportunities/albert-nerken-school-engineering-mechanical-engineering-tenure-track.
Tenure-Track and Teaching Positions in ME
Penn State Berks (Reading, PA) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Engineering, beginning August 2025. Responsibilities include teaching mechanics courses such as Statics, Strength of Materials, Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, Finite Elements, Materials Lab and other related courses OR thermal fluid courses such as Thermodynamics, Fluids Dynamics, Heat & Mass transfer, Thermal Fluid Lab, Advanced Thermal Fluid topics, and other related courses. The successful candidate for the thermal fluid position will be an experimentalist. For further information, contacts for inquiries, and application information, go to https://psu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/PSU_Academic/job/Penn-State-Berks/Assistant-Professor-of-Mechanical-Engineering_REQ_0000063170-1.
Penn State Berks is also looking to fill a non-tenure-track position at the rank of Instructor/Assistant Teaching Professor in Engineering, beginning August 2025. The candiate would be teaching courses in one of the categories listed above. Applicants are required to have a master’s degree for the instructor position or a doctorate for the assistant professor position in mechanical engineering or a closely related engineering field by August 15, 2025. Applications will be accepted until this position is filled. Review will begin January 15, 2025 for an employment start date in fall semester, August 2025. For further information, contacts for inquiries, and application information, go to https://psu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/PSU_Academic/job/Penn-State-Berks/Instructor-Assistant-Teaching-Professor—Mechanical-Engineering_REQ_0000063172-1.
Asst. Professor-Energy Storage/Battery
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Syracuse University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the field of energy storage/battery, starting in Fall 2025. The department is particularly interested in individuals engaged in both fundamental and applied research within the expansive domain of energy storage for next generation batteries. Potential research areas encompass, but are not confined to, energy storage materials (anode, cathode, electrolyte, etc.), materials design and engineering for diverse applications in energy storage/battery, and battery safety and system integration. The chosen candidate will also be expected to address instructional requirements in the fields of materials, advanced manufacturing, and mechanical engineering, spanning both undergraduate and graduate levels.
For further details and application information, see https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/107800.
3 Listings for Multiple Faculty Postions
The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC) has multiple openings, described below, at all levels for tenure track and teaching faculty. Applicants are encouraged to submit their materials by December 20, 2024, however, applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
- For this position we are seeking applicants with expertise in any discipline related to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, particularly those with research experience in Renewable Energy and Energy Storage. The job posting is at https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/210106. For additional questions, contact the Faculty Search Committee Chair at hvtafres@ncsu.edu.
- The department is interested in exceptional candidates with expertise in applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Examples may include but are not limited to: AI/ML-based digital twinning, assimilation of computational and experimental data, physics-informed AI/ML, novel experimental techniques that leverage AI/ML for improved accuracy, digital engineering workflow optimization, advanced computational physics simulation approaches that may leverage AI/ML for sub-model construction, AI/ML enabled computational design, and AI-enabled autonomous manufacturing. See the job posting at https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/210105. Inquiries may be sent via email to the Faculty Search Committee Chair, at jredward@ncsu.edu.
- The MAE department at NCSU is seeking applications for multiple open-rank professional-track teaching faculty positions. We invite applications in all areas related to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The NCSU job posting is at https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/210054. Additional questions may be addressed to the Faculty Search Committee Chair at akhowar5@ncsu.edu.
Faculty Positions in AE and Plasmas
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville invites applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions. The positions will be in: 1.) aerospace engineering including propulsion and power, spacecraft design, orbital mechanics, aerodynamics, or unmanned systems and 2.) plasma science and engineering. Candidates with significant academic records may be considered for a position at the associate professor level.
The expected start date for both positions is August, 2025. For more information, please see the announcement at https://ame.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/UAH-AEandPlasmas11-25-24.pdf.
Postdoc in Applied Math
The Department of Mathematics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for a Departmental Postdoctoral position in applied mathematics, broadly construed. These positions are great because they offer independence—the postdoc is hired by the department directly and has the freedom to choose collaborators. Departmental postdocs are expected to teach 3 courses per year, but also have extensive opportunities to pursue an individual research program. Applied mathematics at UNC-CH is characterized by strong interdisciplinary collaborations spanning the physical, biological, biomedical, pharmaceutical, social and data sciences. An overview of research activities is available at Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics (amath.unc.edu).
For more information and to apply, go to https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25579. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. For additional information contact Sorin Mitran at mitran@unc.edu.
2 Faculty Positions in ME Department
The University of West Florida is hiring two tenure-track faculty members for fall 2025.
- UWF recently received a grant of $3.3M to collaborate with American Magic (NYC Yacht Club) as they will be moving their operations to Pensacola, Florida. This Assistant Professor position in Mechanical Engineering will support the R&D efforts of the grant in areas such as marine engineering, materials, hydrodynamics, and other things related to watercraft and vessel engineering. For more information and application instructions, visit https://careersmanager.pageuppeople.com/997/cw/en-us/job/495782/assistant-professor-of-mechanical-engineering-123610.
- Our Fort Walton Beach campus is searching for an Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering. There are many opportunities for research as this is next door to Eglin Air Force Base. Further information can be found at https://careersmanager.pageuppeople.com/997/cw/en-us/job/495780/assistant-professor-129560.
3 AE + 3 ME Faculty Positions
The Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso is pleased to invite applications for three tenure-track/tenured positions in aerospace engineering at the Assistant and/or Associate level starting Fall 2025. The department will consider applications in the general area of aerospace engineering such as energy, aircraft design, aerodynamics, and electric aircraft but applicants outside these areas are also encouraged to apply. In particular, we are interested in digital engineering, propulsion, hypersonics, aerodynamics, high-efficiency designs, low sonic boom vehicles, autonomous and sustainable aviation, and mission design.
For more information and to apply, go to https://engineering.academickeys.com/seeker_job_display.php?dothis=display&job%5bIDX%5d=248240.
AME at UTEP also has 3 openings for faculty in ME. In particular, we are interested in hiring faculty in emerging areas of autonomy, robotics, sustainable and renewable energy economy, advanced materials and manufacturing, and AI and generative AI in design processes.
Additional information and application details for these jobs are availale at https://engineering.academickeys.com/seeker_job_display.php?dothis=display&job%5BIDX%5D=248241&override=1.
3 TT Positions in Fluids, Robotics
We have multiple tenure track positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the areas of fluid mechanics and autonomous systems & robotics at Cal State Northridge.
- The ME department is seeking tenure-track faculty members in autonomous systems, robotics, and mechatronics at the rank of assistant professor. The successful candidate will teach courses in the areas of mechatronics and robotic systems:
- robotic systems (kinematics, dynamics, and controls)
- mechatronics and bioinstrumentation
- autonomous intelligent vehicles
and have research interests in robotics and cyber physical systems, (for example: soft robotics, medical robotics, bioinspired robotics including sensing and actuation), and autonomous vehicle systems. Outstanding candidates with hands on practice and research experience in robotic systems are invited to apply (and get additional information) at https://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/nr/en-us/job/543531/assistant-professor-of-robotics-department-of-mechanical-engineering-2519.
- ME at CSUN is also looking for a tenure-track faculty member in fluid mechanics at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses and have research interests in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences. Candidates must demonstrate a specialization in either experimental methodologies or computational analysis/simulation of complex models involving fluids. They are expected to develop and conduct an effective research program in areas of fluid-structure interactions, turbulent flows, or biofluid mechanics. More details and application information is at https://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/nr/en-us/job/543855/assistant-professor-of-fluid-mechanics-department-of-mechanical-engineering-2520.
- CSUN is seeking a tenure-track faculty member in fluid mechanics at the rank of Associate Professor. The successful candidate will have research interests in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences. Candidates must demonstrate a specialization in either experimental methodologies or computational analysis/simulation of complex models involving fluids. For details and to apply, see the job posting at https://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/nr/en-us/job/543857/associate-professor-of-fluid-mechanics-department-of-mechanical-engineering-2521.
Starting date for these 3 positions is in August, 2025.
Tenure Track Position in ME
Brown University School of Engineering invites applications from outstanding candidates for a tenure-track faculty position(s) in Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, and/or Materials. The successful candidate shall establish, or has established, an independent group in experimental, theoretical, and/or computational research, and is expected to collaborate with other Brown faculty members within and outside of the School of Engineering. Brown Engineering has a long history of leadership in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and materials research, with further acceleration from a new Engineering Research building and the Center of Fluid Mechanics and the Mechanics of Undersea Science and Engineering (MUSE) program. The successful candidate will become affiliated with one or more of the disciplinary groups within the School of Engineering and contribute to teaching efforts and research projects across the school including Fluids and Thermal Sciences, Materials Science, Solid Mechanics, Biomedical, Chemical, and Environmental Engineering.
The start date is expected to be July 2025. Inquiries about the position should be directed to soefa@brown.edu. Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 15, 2025.
For more details and to apply, go to https://apply.interfolio.com/158038.
Open Rank Faculty Positions in ME
The International Center for Applied Mechanics at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT-ICAM) has several open rank positions in ME available. HIT-ICAM is looking for applicants with expertise in Solid Mechanics, Smart and Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Dynamics and Control, Fluid Mechanics, etc. ICAM is a platform for international exchanges and collaborations in applied mechanics.
For more information, see the position announcement, https://icam.hit.edu.cn/15925/list.htm. For questions or to apply, contact the center’s secretary, Yingying Zhu, at hit-icam@hit.edu.cn. Knowledge of Chinese is not required, but is a plus.
Wind Energy and Fluids Across Scales
The Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI), in partnership with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), invites applications from outstanding faculty candidates for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor position with research interests in areas related to onshore and offshore wind energy. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): the fluid dynamics of wind farms, wind turbine aerodynamics, floating wind turbine dynamics, wind turbine or farm level design, analysis and control, wind energy integration, and other wind energy topics relevant to mechanical engineering. Applications from both experimental and computational backgrounds are welcome.
Applications review will begin on Dec. 2, 2024, and candidates who submit their materials by that date will receive our fullest consideration. However, applications may continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. Interested candidates may find more information and should submit their application through https://apply.interfolio.com/157294.
ROSEI in conjunction with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChemBE) also has an opening for faculty at all levels with interests in sustainable chemical transformations and fuels, clean energy harvesting, storage and conversions, carbon capture and utilization, or other energy/sustainability related areas. Applications from both experimental and computational backgrounds are welcome. This recruitment is a part of a university-wide effort on building up a strong research cluster in energy and sustainability. Applications review will begin on Dec. 2, 2024. For more information or to apply, visit https://apply.interfolio.com/155323.
Additionally, we are seeking up to 4 tenure-track faculty at all ranks to contribute to the Fluid Mechanics Across Scales cluster. This cluster builds upon the longstanding strength in multidisciplinary fluid mechanics research at Johns Hopkins University. Submit applications at https://apply.interfolio.com/157009 by Dec. 13, 2024, tol receive our fullest consideration.
Tenure-Track Computational/Theoretical in ME
The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in all areas of Mechanical Engineering. We have special interest in candidates with backgrounds in digital twin and AI/ML technologies, autonomous science, multiphysics modeling, advanced manufacturing, thermofluids and phase transitions, and energy related fields. Computational and theoretical scientists who are enthusiastic about teaching our diverse student body are welcome to apply. Individuals will also be considered at associate or full professor rank if they possess outstanding qualifications commensurate with the rank.
For fullest consideration, applications must be submitted online at https://uic.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/12133?c=uic by December 16, 2024. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. The expected starting date is August 16, 2025.
Assistant Prof., Robotic Systems
The Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering (http://mme.unl.edu) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. The department is particularly interested in candidates whose research focuses on the design, modeling, dynamics, and control of robotic systems. Research thrusts may include, but are not limited to, human-robot interaction, mechanism design, soft robotics, micro-robotics, prosthetics, medical robotic systems, nonlinear dynamics/control, and other emerging areas related to robotics and autonomous systems. The successful candidate is expected to develop an externally funded research program in these emerging areas and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching in both the undergraduate and graduate academic programs within the department, including a new robotics major.
The position will remain open until filled, but to ensure consideration, please submit all application materials by 12/15/2024. Job application page : https://employment.unl.edu/postings/94131.
Cluster Hire—Bio Related
Starting during the 2023-24 academic year, K-State began hiring 12 new tenure/tenure-track faculty positions in biomanufacturing and related bioscience and enabling technologies. Six faculty members were hired during the 2023-2024 academic year and the search has been reopened for 2024-2025.
Faculty of all ranks were eligible for hiring in research areas of interest that include but are not limited to:
- Biomaterials development.
- Biomanufacturing engineering.
- Bioprocessing.
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning for biomanufacturing process engineering.
- Synthetic biology in microbes/plants.
- Synthetic microbial communities.
- Vector-borne diseases.
This bold multicollege and strategic cluster hiring initiative will move the dial immediately in growing research, increasing instructional capacity, building industry engagement opportunities and contributing to economic development in Kansas.
The intention of this hiring is to recruit research-active faculty at all ranks into multiple departments and colleges. The new faculty positions will improve the quality of education for students in biomanufacturing-related fields, and the interdisciplinary approach will prepare students for careers in a rapidly evolving industry.
Faculty hired into this program specified their home department — and secondary department, where appropriate — as part of a cross-college interview process. They were invited to specify the department representation of the promotion and tenure committee.
More information can be found at https://www.k-state.edu/biomanufacturing/related-initiatives/multidisciplinary-hiring-initiative/.
Thermal Sciences and Electric Vehicles
The Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics at Lehigh University invites qualified individuals to apply for one tenure-track (untenured) Assistant or Associate Professor position, each in the following areas:
- Thermal Sciences/Heat Transfer: Areas of preference include high heat flux cooling, new designs of heat exchangers for supercritical carbon dioxide cycles, hydrogen production systems, clean energy utilization, net zero carbon technologies, micro- and nanofluid applications, advanced power cycles, or nuclear energy. Candidates’ backgrounds could be experimental, computation/simulation, or a combination.
Interested Candidates may apply here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/29009. - Electric Vehicles (jointly with Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lehigh University): Desired expertise is in Electric Vehicle (EV) design, control, charging, or integration to advanced transportation, building, and power grid infrastructures. Research areas of interest include (but are not limited to) electric machines and drives for EVs, EV power electronic systems and power controllers, thermal management of EVs, advanced charging systems and infrastructures, battery and energy storage management, EV dynamics and cyber-physical control systems; machine learning approaches for electrification of transportation systems, EV integration to advanced transportation systems, buildings and the power grid mixture. Candidates’ backgrounds could be experimental, computation/simulation, or a combination. This hire is associated with the Advancing Community Electrification Solutions (ACES) initiative at Lehigh.
Interested Candidates may apply at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28980.
Associate/Full Professor, Control Systems
Prompted by Yale University’s recently announced plans for growth in engineering, including a historic series of infrastructure investments to transform the face and trajectory of its School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), the department of Electrical & Computer Engineering is announcing a faculty position at the tenured associate or full professor level in the field of control and autonomous systems. We are looking for outstanding candidates in any area of control systems including, but not limited to control of robots and autonomous machines, multi-agent systems, systems and synthetic biology, system modeling, smart grids, smart cities, quantum control, learning and adaptive systems, control over networks, and distributed parameter systems. A successful candidate is expected to be actively engaged in research in control and autonomous systems, as well as teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment is anticipated to start July 1, 2025.
Apply at https://apply.interfolio.com/150903. To ensure full consideration, please submit all materials by November 30, 2024.
Tenure-Track Position in AE
The Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University (WVU) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in the general area of Aerospace Engineering anticipated to start August 2025. The appointment shall be in the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering. Applicants whose interests and expertise align with departmental focus areas including aerial and space robotics, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), advanced aerial mobility (AAM), and/or Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) of aerospace systems are specifically encouraged to apply.
For more information and to apply, start at https://wvu.taleo.net/careersection/faculty/jobdetail.ftl?job=25517&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York.
Review of applications begins December 1, 2024.
Assistant/Associate Professors, AE and ME
The Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks candidates for two (2) tenure-track faculty openings at the Assistant or Associate Professor level to support the development of the Aerospace Program. The two areas of interest are i) Propulsion and ii) Aerospace Structures and Materials. Candidates are sought with expertise in these two areas who can perform outstanding research and teach relevant AE and ME courses. Of particular interest are candidates with research that strongly contributes to the areas of Unmanned Aerial Systems or/and Space Exploration and Utilization. For additional information and to apply, visit https://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UNR-external/job/University-of-Nevada-Reno—Main-Campus/Assistant–Associate-Professor–Aerospace-Engineering_R0144853. Contact information: Matteo Aureli, Chair of the Search Committee.
The department also has openings for 2 assistant professors in ME. Candidates with expertise in any area of mechanical engineering will receive full consideration. While expertise in mechanics and/or experimental fluid/thermal sciences are desirable, any candidate who can demonstratively support major university initiatives (such as lithium infrastructure, battery technology, or other alternative energy topics aligning with state priorities and local industry needs) is also encouraged to apply. For additional information and to apply, go to https://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UNR-external/job/University-of-Nevada-Reno—Main-Campus/Assistant-Professor–Mechanical-Engineering–Tenure-Track-_R0144856. Contact information: Matteo Aureli, Chair of the Search Committee.
Tenure-Track Positions in ME
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications from exceptional individuals for a full-time faculty position at the tenure-track Assistant Professor level in computational science and engineering and AI for scientific computing, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025, or later.
For full details about the position and to apply, visit https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02839.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering also invites applications from exceptional individuals for a full-time faculty position at the tenure-track Assistant Teaching Professor level, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025 or later. This position is intended for an innovative individual with an enthusiasm for, and breadth of knowledge in, mechanical design and its emerging applications in diverse fields. A successful applicant should be committed to teaching and mentoring undergraduates, to improving the undergraduate mechanical engineering program, and to recruiting talented and diverse high school graduates in collaboration with other faculty. Teaching assignments may include topics from the following list: machine elements, machine design, mechatronics, electronics for mechanical engineers, robotics, design process, design for manufacturing, teamwork, project planning, creative thinking, CAM and CAD.
For more information and to apply, go to https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02846.
For both positions review of applications begins December 1, 2024.
Fluid Dynamics Position
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering is pleased to invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the city of Tallahassee, Florida. The successful candidate will work in areas that complement and strengthen existing faculty research and teaching in fluid dynamics. We expect to hire at the Assistant Professor rank, but well-qualified candidates will be considered at a higher rank.
We are seeking highly qualified applicants with research on fluid dynamics in the near-shore and offshore environments. The specific focus of this search is to expand the collaboration with our faculty in multiple areas (structural, geotechnical, or environmental engineering). Applicants with significant overlap with the current faculty expertise (ex, focus on wind tunnel testing or focus on structural mechanics rather than fluid mechanics) will not be competitive. The candidate must show evidence of research and collaboration in fluid-structure interaction such as wind-structure or wave-structure interactions. We are especially interested in a candidate with an interdisciplinary background and research experience. Example areas of interest include but not limited to:
- CFD simulations of fluids acting on solid surfaces
- Multi-scale fluid dynamics
- Hydroelasticity and wave mechanics (in a scale relevant to typical coastal structures)
- Hydrodynamic loads on offshore platforms and energy structures
- Fluid dynamics associated with tropical cyclones near surface, under current and future climate conditions
More information about this position can be found at https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/node/13811 and you can apply to Florida State University at https://hr.fsu.edu/facultyjobs, Job ID: 58856. To ensure full consideration, please submit your application by December 31, 2024. The review of the applications will begin in January 2025. Appointments are expected to begin in August 2025. Any questions about the search should be directed to the search committee co-chairs: Dr. Sungmoon Jung (sjung@eng.famu.fsu.edu) and Dr. Wenrui Huang (whuang@eng.famu.fsu.edu).
Faculty Position in ME, AE, CE, or Environmental
The Division of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenuretrack/tenured faculty position. The search is focused on candidates who will join at the assistant professor level, but exceptional candidates at the associate or full professor level may also be considered.
We seek highly qualified candidates in fields related to mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, and environmental science and engineering. Although the search is broad across these fields, we have particular interest in candidates who bring expertise in the engineering challenges of sustainability, climate, and the environment.
This is a joint search between the departments of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Aerospace (GALCIT) and Environmental Science and Engineering, which reflects the unique interdisciplinary nature of Caltech. The successful candidate will join one of these departments, or a combination thereof, as best reflects their interests in teaching, mentorship, and research. It is also anticipated that a successful candidate would collaborate broadly with investigators both within and beyond the Division of Engineering and Applied Science, as well as in centers at Caltech.
Applications should be submitted online at https://applications.caltech.edu/jobs/maese. To guarantee full consideration, we encourage the online submission of applications by November 15, 2024. The review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Questions about the application process may be directed to maese-search@caltech.edu.
Non-TT Faculty Position in ME
Tennessee State University is now accepting applications for a temporary, full-time, non-tenure track faculty position as an Assistant/Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering for the academic year 2024-2025.
Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses and/or laboratories in the mechanical engineering Bachelor of Science program. Subject examples are dynamics, design of machine elements, computer-aided design, machine design, robotics and control, etc. Classes are taught in the day and evening, face-to-face, and online. Teaching assignments will be based on earned degrees and SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines.
A minimum of a Master’s degree, or its foreign equivalent, in Mechanical Engineering, or a closely related field is required for an Instructor position. Preferred qualifications include a terminal/doctorate degree, or its foreign equivalent, in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field is required for an Assistant Professor position. A Professional Engineering License or industry experience and prior teaching experience are also desirable.
Required Documents to Attach:
- CV
- Cover Letter
- Unofficial Transcripts (Official Transcripts and Official International Course-by-Course Evaluations Due Upon Hire)
- Names, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least 3 references
For questions about this faculty opening, please contact Dr. Muhammad Akbar, Interim Department Chair of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, makbar@tnstate.edu, (615) 963-5392.
2 (or more)Faculty Positions in ME
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Tennessee Tech s experiencing significant growth and is currently seeking to fill multiple Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, tenure-track/tenured positions. We are seeking qualified candidates in all areas of mechanical engineering, with a particular focus on:
- Energy/Thermal Systems and Experimental Thermal-Fluid Sciences. Areas of interest include Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Nuclear Energy, and Data/AI-driven Design.
- Aerospace Engineering. Key areas include Intelligent and Autonomous Systems for Aerial and/or Space Vehicles, Flight Dynamics and Control, Electric Propulsion, and AI/ML-driven Design Optimization of Advanced Aerostructures.
- Other innovative research areas that support the mission of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the College of Engineering.
For a complete position summary, please visit https://jobs.tntech.edu/postings/18281. Applicants are required to apply online and submit all necessary documents electronically.
TT Positions in Thermal-Fluids and Other Areas
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Villanova University an opening for a tenure-track faculty member in thermal-fluids science. We invite applications from outstanding candidates with expertise in all areas of thermal-fluids science including but not limited to, renewable and sustainable energy, biomedical engineering, and advanced manufacturing applications. The integration of artificial intelligence into research plans is a plus. The appointment begins in August 2024.
More information and a link for application submission are available in the posting, https://jobs.villanova.edu/postings/27653.
ME also has multiple other tenure track openings. We invite applications from outstanding candidates with expertise and interests in one or more of the research domains of autonomous systems, energy and sustainability, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, and advanced manufacturing. We are particularly interested in candidates who are committed to cross-disciplinary research.
For more information and to apply for these positions, go to https://jobs.villanova.edu/postings/29803.
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in ME
The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad‘s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering invites applications for the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor in the areas Flight dynamics and Controls, Helicopter dynamics, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Guidance and Navigation, Automation and Smart manufacturing (process monitoring and control, IIOT and data driven), Systems Engineering, Robotics, Dynamics, Vibrations and Controls, Experimental mechanics, Data driven modelling, Mechanics of biological systems, and Sport mechanics.
In addition to a PhD, Applicants should have their UG/PG degree in Mechanical / Aerospace / Production/Automobile/Mechatronics and should have their PhD in specialization related to those areas along with an outstanding publication record.
Interested candidates may look for eligibility at Application Link, https://www.iith.ac.in/assets/files/careers/faculty/IITH-Faculty-Recruitment-Advt-2024-Regular-drive.pdf, and fill the online application at https://faculty.recruitment.iith.ac.in/ before 1 November 2024.
2 Tenure-Track Positions in ME
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Wayne State University invites candidates to apply for a tenure-track faculty position. We expect to make the appointment at the Assistant Professor level, but will consider exceptional senior-level candidates with a strong track record. The department is looking for candidates in these areas:
- Energy storage systems, including expertise in battery systems, fuel cells, and related areas.
- Advanced materials and manufacturing encompassing the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in design and manufacturing, materials informatics and big data design, smart manufacturing, characterization and processing of materials, scalable and adaptable manufacturing processes.
- Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) technology, advanced propulsion technologies, including electric and hybrid systems, unmanned systems flight dynamics, control and autonomy, energy storage solutions to increase range and efficiency for electric VTOL aircraft.
More information and application details are available in their announcement at https://waynetalent.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/2/home/requisition/2277?c=waynetalent. Emailed applications will not be accepted. The review of applications will begin on November 1, 2024 and the search will remain open until the position is filled.
Professor & Director, Adv. Semiconductor Manufacturing
The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department (MAE) at Syracuse University invites applications for the position of Professor and Director of the Center for Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (CASM), starting in Fall 2025. CASM is an interdisciplinary center that will bring together expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, manufacturing processes, optimization and robotics to advance the science of semiconductor manufacturing. The center is funded by a $20 million investment from Syracuse University and Onondaga County. CASM will be a centerpiece of an investment over $150 million that strategically transforms STEM and expands the College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) at Syracuse University by 50%. Prospective candidates should possess a proven track record in the broader realm of Advanced Manufacturing, with an ability to develop a nationally and internationally recognized and externally funded research program. The department is particularly interested in individuals engaged in both fundamental and applied research within the expansive domain of advanced manufacturing. Potential research areas encompass, but are not confined to, advanced manufacturing processes and systems, advanced semiconductor manufacturing, automation in manufacturing, digital twins in manufacturing, advanced modeling and simulation, and applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in manufacturing.
For more information and to apply, see https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/106817. Initial screening of applications will begin on
December 1, 2024, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
2 Tenure Track Positions in ME
Department of Mechanical Engineering at Boston University has an opening for a tenure track Assistant Professor with research interests at the intersection of Aerospace, Robotics, and Controls. For more information and to apply, see https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28273.
The department and School of Engineering also seek tenure-track faculty candidates at the Assistant Professor level whose research interests align with one or more of the following areas:
- Hardware and algorithm co-design for vision: research that directly targeting the interplay between the requirements of vision algorithms and hardware resources. This includes both hardware needs arising from computational demands and algorithmic needs that arising from robotic hardware.
- Computer vision for interaction with the real world: research that uses novel approaches to bridge the gap between perceiving the world and interacting with it (including, but not limited to foundation models for vision, language or actions or their multimodal combinations, 3-D vision for robotics, biologically-inspired frameworks, sensing and simulation tools, control and reinforcement learning from vision including safety, manipulation and grasping).
More information for this position is at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28226.
For either position, applicants are encouraged to apply early as review of applications begins November 15, 2024.
3 Tenure-Track Positions in ME
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Northwestern University invites applications to fill three tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level. All three positions are newly created to address the strategic priority in Embodied AI, cross-cutting all three major disciplines in the department, (i.e., Robotics & Biosystems, Design & Manufacturing, and Mechanics & Materials).
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)/Computer Science (CS)—Embodied Artificial Intelligence: We seek candidates who will lead pioneering research in embodied artificial intelligence: intelligent systems with embodiment that perceive, physically interact with, and respond to the physical world. Priority areas include, but are not limited to computational design, robotics, biohybrid machines, physically-embodied artificial intelligence and machine learning, and biologically-inspired perception. Apply at https://facultyrecruiting.northwestern.edu/apply/MjIyNQ==.
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)/Industrial Engineering & Management Science (IEMS)—tatistical Machine Learning, AI, and Decision Sciences for Manufacturing Systems: We seek candidates who will lead pioneering research in manufacturing systems, building on core competencies in IEMS. Interested areas include, but are not limited to statistical machine learning and AI, stochastic/sequential/dynamic/adaptive decision making, supply chain management, decision science, sensor networks, multi-team systems, uncertainty quantification for quality/reliability, autonomous manufacturing systems, etc. Apply at https://facultyrecruiting.northwestern.edu/apply/MjIyNA==%5d.
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)—Computational Mechanics: We seek candidates who will lead pioneering research in computational mechanics and will strengthen the strategic priorities of Mechanical Engineering as well as the interdisciplinary graduate program in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM). Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, machine learning and AI for mechanics of solids and fluids, mechanics for health, space engineering and extreme environments, computational geometry, and architected functional materials. Apply at https://facultyrecruiting.northwestern.edu/apply/MjIyMw==%5d.
View the full announcements at https://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/mechanical/careers/. Please limit your application to one of the above three positions. If you feel strongly that multiple positions of the above suit you, please comment on it in your cover letter. In the cover letter, please also summarize your qualifications for the specific position. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To receive full consideration, all materials including reference letters should be received by November 15, 2024. Application materials must be submitted via the web interface.
Questions: mecareers@northwestern.edu.
Tenure Track Positions in ME and AE
Purdue University has launched a new major initiative, Purdue Computes, consisting of three dimensions (Computing, Physical Artificial Intelligence, and Semiconductors) that will connect faculty and students from across the institution and enable the university to advance to the forefront with unparalleled excellence at scale. As part of this initiative, the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for one or more tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor positions. Purdue’s School of Mechanical Engineering seeks to attract exceptional candidates with strong interests and proven expertise at the intersection of Purdue Computes and the School of Mechanical Engineering, including but not restricted to (a) scientific computing/high-performance computing with applications to Mechanical Engineering topics (i.e., fluids, combustion, energetics, heat transfer, solids, etc.), and (b) Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), physical applications of artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and digital twins applied to a range of physical systems of broad interest in Mechanical Engineering.
For more information on this opportunity, see https://ame.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Purdue-MEComputes9-27-24.pdf. Apply for the position at https://careers.purdue.edu/job/AssistantAssociate-Professor-of-Mechanical-Engineering/33558-en_US/.
Also, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AAE) invites applications for multiple tenure track positions at the rank of Assistant/Associate Professor from candidates whose interests and expertise from any area of aerospace engineering that aligns with the School’s themes of (i) safe, sustainable air transportation; (ii) access to, working in, and exploring space; (iii) maintaining national defense and security; and (iv) enabling new opportunities through aerospace. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research will support advances in and make fundamental contributions to the first two themes.
For more information and to apply, visit https://careers.purdue.edu/job/AssistantAssociate-Professor-of-Aeronautics-and-Astronautics/33559-en_US/. Candidates interested in joining AAE and whose advances and contributions would contribute to theme (iii) are encouraged to apply to the Defense Innovation Open Search (requisition 33837) at Purdue College of Engineering.
Tenure-Track Asst. Professor in ME
Ohio Northern University (ONU) is seeking a talented individual who is passionate about teaching and is invested in the success of our students. If you would like to be a part of a professional, collaborative team devoted to making a significant and lasting impact on the lives of young engineers, we invite you to apply for a tenure track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August 19, 2025. This position will support our broad undergraduate mechanical engineering program, which, in addition to a general Mechanical Engineering track, includes concentration options in Aerospace, Biomedical, Manufacturing, and Robotics. Candidates from any specialty area within or adjacent to mechanical engineering or our concentration fields will be considered. A PhD in Mechanical Engineering, adjacent fields such as Materials, Aerospace, Biomedical, Robotics, or Manufacturing Engineering, or a related field such as Engineering Education (with a prior degree in mechanical engineering) is required with all degree requirements completed before the date of employment. Industry experience, teaching experience, and professional licensure will be viewed favorably. Review will begin Oct 30th and will continue until filled. Questions concerning the position should be referred to Dr. J. Blake Hylton, Associate Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, j-hylton@onu.edu. The official posting for this position can be accessed directly at: https://jobs.onu.edu/postings/12753/.
Multiple Tenure-Track Positions in ME
The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin seeks applicants for multiple tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor:
INTERSECTION OF AI AND THERMAL-FLUID SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, with an emphasis on enhanced thermomechanical reliability for heterogeneous integration. Areas of interest include but are not limited to coupled electro-thermomechanical behavior, thermal management, and co-design of electrical, optical, thermal, and mechanical components for AI hardware and emerging information, energy, and biomedical technologies. Approaches that leverage AI methodologies are encouraged.
ROBOTICS,with an emphasis on novel hardware and control techniques, including: (a) robotic system design that merges traditional control approaches with machine learning and AI, while having a balanced approach to theory and experimental work; (b) robotic system applications to areas such as manufacturing and medical/surgical robotics, while advancing use of human-centered, bioinspired, and/or soft robotics principles; (c) autonomous robotic vehicles and transportation systems (land, sea, or air).
Interested applicants may view the official posting at http://apply.interfolio.com/154874. For full consideration, applications should be received by November 15, 2023.
Tenure-Track & Non-TT Asst. Prof. Positions
Michigan Technological University’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) invites applications for multiple tenure-track Assistant Professor positions. All research areas are of interest, including space robotics, controls with aerospace applications, hypersonics, experimental mechanics, aircraft and ground vehicle electric propulsion, aerospace systems engineering, spacecraft thermal systems, NVH, and more.
For full consideration, complete application packages should be received by October 15th, 2024; however, applications will continue to be considered until the positions are filled.
More information can be found in the flyer at https://ame.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/MTU-MAE-FY25ASST-PROF.pdf.
MAE is also looking to fill one teaching faculty position. We seek candidates with expertise in mechanical and aerospace engineering in controls, systems engineering, aeronautical and astronautical technologies, as well as general knowledge in mechanical and aerospace engineering topics. This candidate will be expected to help with advising industry-funded senior design projects. For more information and to apply, go to https://www.employment.mtu.edu/en-us/job/493695/assistant-teaching-professor-mechanical-and-aerospace-engineering.
Lecturers and Asst Professor
The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is seeking a candidate for a tenure-track faculty position in design. Some application areas of interest are digital twin, robotics, renewable energy, sustainable product development, and medical devices. Some methodological interests include, but are not limited to, product and process design, AI and machine learning in design, and systems design. For more information and to apply, go to https://careers.umass.edu/amherst/en-us/job/525039/assistant-professor-tt-mechanical-and-industrial-engineering-design.
MIE is also seeking candidates for two non-tenure-track faculty positions in ME and Aerospace Engineering:
- Lecturer A /Senior Lecturer A (NTT) – Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The successful candidate is expected to teach undergraduate courses; serve as the chief undergraduate faculty advisor; mentor and support undergraduate students; engage with other faculty in undergraduate curriculum development; contribute to research proposals to strengthen educational components and industry collaboration; and reach out to industry to coordinate experiential activities and internships. For more information and to apply go to https://careers.umass.edu/amherst/en-us/job/525040/lecturer-a-senior-lecturer-a-ntt-mechanical-and-industrial-engineering
- Lecturer A/ Senior Lecturer A (NTT) – Aerospace Engineering – Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. MIE invites applications for a full-time non-tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Lecturer A or Senior Lecturer A in Aerospace Engineering to start in Fall 2025. Exceptional candidates with distinguished experience could be considered for Professor of Professional Practice based upon the review of credentials. For more information and to apply go to https://careers.umass.edu/amherst/en-us/job/525067/lecturer-a-senior-lecturer-a-ntt-aerospace-engineering-mechanical-and-industrial-engineering.
These 3 postitions have an expected start date of Fall, 2025.
Tenure Line Position in ME, Bio-Robotics
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State Universityis hiring tenure-line faculty in the area of bio-robotics. Bio-robotics is an interdisciplinary field with wide opportunities for collaboration at Penn State, bringing together fundamental research in areas such as neuroscience, biomaterials, and systems engineering with a wide range of applications. This position is co-funded by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences at Penn State.
Applications should be submitted using Penn State’s Workday system at https://psu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/PSU_Academic/job/Penn-State-University-Park/Assistant–Associate–or-Professor–Department-of-Mechanical-Engineering_REQ_0000060602-1. Review of applications will begin on Nov. 15, 2024.
Assistant Professor in ME
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Lafayette College in Easton, PA invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor, starting July 2025. We seek a colleague with expertise to teach in our engineering design sequence, which consists of courses on design and manufacturing, mechanical engineering design, and capstone design projects. The Department values the ability to teach a broad range of required courses, including those with hands-on laboratory and design projects, and to develop new elective courses in their areas of interest. We seek a colleague who is committed to being a dynamic, engaging, inclusive teacher and mentor of undergraduate students.
Candidates must demonstrate the potential to establish a research program that can engage undergraduate students and result in the publication of scholarly work in peer-reviewed venues. Lafayette provides significant resources to support faculty members’ research in the form of start-up funds, annual support for student research assistants, annual support for conference travel, and opportunities for internal grants and research fellowships.
For more details and to apply, go to https://apply.interfolio.com/152057. Questions about the position should be directed to Professor Joshua Smith, Acting Department Head and Search Committee Chair, at smithjh@lafayette.edu.
Tenure Track Position in ME, Sustainable Energy
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Mechanical Engineering Department invites applications and nominations for the 9-month tenure track position of Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering, Cluster Hire in Solar Energy). The successful candidate will join department and college faculty working in energy related areas focused on solar and sustainable energy.
The University of Louisiana is rapidly building a national-level solar energy program focused on research, education, workforce development, economic development, and outreach. The University has invested over $8M in its solar energy facilities in the last decade, and it has another $2M in new construction currently underway. Shared solar energy research facilities are housed within the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Center (see: http://eese.louisiana.edu).
For more details see https://ame.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UofLAatLafayetteME-Solar-Fall2024.pdf and https://louisiana.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/1744?c=louisiana.
Future Technical Leaders Program
Northrop Grumman is looking candidates for its Future Technical Leaders (FTL) program. FTL candidates should be graduating with MS or PhD degrees in a STEM field in 2024 or 2025. The program includes
- Three, one-year diverse rotation assignments with paid relocations
- Master learning plan
- Structured learning events
- Broad leadership exposure
- More
Candidates should have shown outstanding technical achievement, be eligible for security clearances, have demonstrated drive and aptitude for leadership, and be willing to relocate for rotation assignments.
For more information see the flyer at https://ame.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/NorthropGrummanFTL_24.pdf.
Heart Valve R&D
Medtronic‘s, R&D labs, located in Orange County, is looking for qualified candidates for a heart valve R&D role. Minimum requirements are a bachelors degree in Biomedical, Mechanical, Aerospace, or Chemical Engineering, Physics, or Applied Mathematics, or another related field along with 2-4 years relevant experience or an advanced degree. A strong background in fluid mechanics would be preferred.
For more information and to apply, go to https://medtronic.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/MedtronicCareers/job/R-D-Senior-Engineer_R3752-1.
Tenure Track Position
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Tyler invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level to start in August 2024. Candidates with post-doctoral research experience or prior experience working on funded research are especially encouraged to apply. Successful candidates must demonstrate a strong potential to establish and grow sustainable externally funded research programs. Highly qualified candidates may be considered for Rising STARs funding of up to $300,000 through the University of Texas System Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention (STARs, https://www.utsystem.edu/offices/academic-affairs/stars-program) program to support the establishment of new research programs.
Preferred qualifications are a specialization in the following areas of mechanical engineering: (i) Advanced and innovative manufacturing, (ii) Autonomous platforms and advanced robotics, and (iii) Renewable and sustainable energy generation, storage, and distribution. We are especially interested in applications and developments involving artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in biomedical engineering, drug delivery, and agriculture. Outstanding candidates in other areas of research will also be considered.
For details see https://www.higheredjobs.com/institution/details.cfm?JobCode=178550305&Title=Assistant%2FAssociate%20Professor%20of%20Mechanical%20Engineering.
Multiple Positions in 5 Research Areas
The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas now has five research thrusts of state and national significance including advanced manufacturing; energy science and technology; health innovations; semiconductor science and technology; and transportation science and engineering. Located in one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country, the Jonsson School is positioned to lead. Open positions are available at all ranks. The Department of Mechanical Engineering anticipates 2-3 positions from this search.
For additional information on the research thrusts and to apply, visit https://pulsar.utdallas.edu/career-landing-page/.
2 Faculty Positions in ME
The Mechanical and Materials Department at Florida International University (FIU) is seeking two tenure-track faculty in the following areas:
- Computational Thermo Fluids: Possible applications of research interests can include (but are not limited to) energy systems, biological, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing sectors, including micro-and nano-fluidics, hypersonics and/or multiphase flows. Interested candidates may apply for job opening 530938 at FIU’s Faculty Careers website, https://facultycareers.fiu.edu/?posting=530938.
- Advanced Manufacturing of Materials: Possible applications of research interests include (but are not limited to) all aspects of additive manufacturing and/or bio-manufacturing for structural, energy, and health. Of particular interest are candidates with a background in large-scale, industry-interfacing additive manufacturing of metals and/or ceramics. Interested candidates may apply for job opening 530937 at FIU’s Faculty Careers website, https://facultycareers.fiu.edu/?posting=530937.
Tenure-Track Position in AE
The Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso is pleased to invite applications for a tenure-track/tenured position in aerospace engineering at the Assistant level starting fall 2024. The department will consider applications in the general area of aerospace engineering such as energy, aircraft design, aerodynamics, and electric aircraft but applicants outside these areas are also encouraged to apply.
For more information about this position and to apply, go to https://utep.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=167956.
2 Tenure-Track Faculty Positions
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a full-time, tenure track faculty position in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Applicants with a specialization in the area of energy systems are preferred, but applicants with a specialization in other areas of mechanical engineering such as solid mechanics, machine design, control and robotics systems, and artificial intelligence are encouraged to apply as well.
More details and apply at hhttps://careers.pageuppeople.com/873/po/en-us/job/543304/mechanical-engineeringassistant-professor. Direct further inquiries to: mesearch@cpp.edu.
Open Rank Position in Bioastronautics
The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University invites applications for a full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty position at the assistant, associate, or full professor level in Aerospace Engineering (Bioastronautics and/or Human Systems Integration. Special consideration will be given to candidates with expertise in (1) Spacecraft and Spacesuit Systems Design and Modeling, (2) Digital Human Modeling (DHM), (3) Advanced Materials for Spacesuit/Spacecraft Applications, (4) Partial Gravity Fluid Physics and Thermal Modeling (Experimental and CFD), and (5) Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS).
Tenure Track (open rank) in Bioastronautics and/or Human Systems Integration — apply at https://apply.interfolio.com/118574.
Tenure Track Position
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at New York University (NYU) has an open faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level with a start date of September, 2025.
We encourage applications from candidates with expertise and interest in establishing research programs with an emphasis on, but not limited to, the broad area of Design and Manufacturing. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- AI-driven design optimization of materials and manufacturing processes
- Multi-material printing and biofabrication for biomedical devices, wearable electronics, or personalized medical implants
- Machine learning integrated with physics-based models for optimizing manufacturing processes
- Digital twins and cyber-physical systems
- Robotics for manufacturing
- Quantum computing in manufacturing.
We will review applications beginning on October 1, 2024 and will continue until we fill the position. For any questions please contact Katsuo Kurabayashi, katsuo.k@nyu.edu. Additional information and an application link are at https://apply.interfolio.com/154281.
2 Asst./Assoc. Professors
The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Miami University, Oxford, OH, is seeking two tenure-line assistant/associate professors (tenure track) for their mechanical engineering and smart manufacturing engineering programs. The areas for consideration are: i) Smart Manufacturing/Factory Systems (MES, data analytics, digital twin, etc.) and ii) Automation (sensors and instrumentation, controls, machine learning, networked multi-agent systems, manufacturing systems, etc.), and (iii) Modelling and design (CAD/CAM/CAE) including thermal design and energy systems.
For more about this opportunity, see https://jobs.miamioh.edu/cw/en-us/job/502372/assistantassociate-professor.
3 Tenure Track Faculty Positions
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of West Florida (www.uwf.edu/me) invites applicants for three tenure track positions at the Assistant Professor level starting fall 2024. The University of West Florida started a Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s degree in 2016 and has a rapidly growing student population. The successful candidate will teach at both the undergraduate and graduate level, conduct research, advise students, mentor student projects, and participate in recruitment and outreach activities. Two of the positions will be at our Pensacola campus and one position will be at our Fort Walton Beach campus.
We are looking for candidates with the following backgrounds
- Aerospace Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Mechanical Design
- Thermal Systems
Candidates must apply online through the University of West Florida website: https://careers.uwf.edu.
Direct job listing: https://careersmanager.pageuppeople.com/997/cw/en-us/job/495180/assistant-professor-128740.
Multiple Tenure-Track Positions
Illinois State University (ISU) is actively recruiting founding faculty members for the newly established Department of Mechanical Engineering. We are seeking exceptional individuals at all ranks who will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Mechanical Engineering at ISU. These founding faculty members will have a unique opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of our department from the ground up.
Qualified candidates who are passionate about being part of such a transformative experience will find more information at https://jobsearch.illinoisstate.edu/en-us/job/517602/assistantassociatefull-professor-of-mechanical-engineering.
Several Open Faculty Positions
The Lyle School of Engineering at Southern Methodist University (SMU) is on an ambitious journey with a remarkable faculty recruitment campaign, opening nearly 20 new faculty positions for the academic year 2023-24. Our ambitious faculty recruitment campaign comprises the establishment of three new Endowed department chairs in Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Mechanical Engineering (ME). Additionally, we are adding six tenured/tenure-track positions aligned with strategic themes such as Sustainable Energy and the Environment, AI-Powered Digital Engineering Systems, and Quantum Science and Engineering. Moreover, we are appointing several faculty Executive Directors to drive strategic initiatives, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and position our institutes and centers as leaders in technological advancement and innovation. To complete our offerings, we are seeking multiple cross-disciplinary renewable-contract (Non Tenure-Track) Assistant and Associate professors. As we anticipate further growth, SMU Lyle remains committed to ongoing recruitment in the coming years.
Of interest to those with an AME background are:
Full Professor and Endowed Department Chair of Mechanical EngineeringFull Professor and Endowed Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering.
Endowed Associate/Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Executive Director for Research Innovation in the Center for Digital and Human-Augmented Manufacturing.
Endowed Co-Executive Director of the Hart Institute for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions in Sustainable Energy and Environment.
Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions in AI Powered Digital Engineering Systems.
Renewable-Contract Faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering.
Explore all these positions, along with brief descriptions, on our dedicated website at: https://www.smu.edu/Lyle/Departments/Faculty-Openings, or contact Edmond Richer, Associate Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering [richer@lyle.smu.edu, (214)768-3059].
Several Faculty Positions
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) in Rolla, Missouri is seeking outstanding applicants to fill tenure track faculty positions including positions at the assistant/associate level in Mechanical Engineering and at the assistant professor level in Aerospace Engineering, and a non-tenure-track (NTT) teaching faculty position. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering or a closely related field. For all positions, successful prior teaching experience is an important consideration. Industrial experience is very desirable but not required.
To apply, go to jobs.mst.edu in ‘academic employment.’ The specific job reference (JobID) numbers are
- TT positions in Aerospace Engineering: JobID 48178 (search chair Dr. Henry Pernicka, pernicka@mst.edu)
- Assistant or associate professor rank in mechanical engineering. Applicants are sought who can apply their expertise to applications in manufacturing, with a general focus in the areas of dynamics and controls, thermal sciences, or intelligent and autonomous systems. Specific areas of interest include additive manufacturing (AM), particularly cold spray AM and friction stir AM, human robotic collaboration for manufacturing, cyber manufacturing, and biomanufacturing. Excellent candidates in other fields relevant to mechanical engineering will also be considered. : JobID 53116 (For more information prior to applying, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Dr. K. Krishnamurthy, kkrishna@mst.edu.)
- Aerospace Engineering faculty position open at the assistant professor rank. Applicants are sought with a priority on those with expertise in Aerospace Materials and Structures. Other candidates with expertise in one of the program’s research thrust areas of Hypersonics, Intelligent and Autonomous Systems for Aerial and/or Space Vehicles, Flight Dynamics and Control, Space Systems, and Propulsion are also encouraged to apply. : JobID 53116 (For more information prior to submitting an application, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Professor Henry Pernicka, at pernicka@mst.edu.)
- NTT Teaching Professor, at Springfield, MO, in MAE: JobID 53049 (MAE department chair Dr. David J. Bayless, dbayless@mst.edu)
The review of applications will begin as they are received and will continue until the positions are filled. For questions, please contact the appropriate search chair.
Missouri S&T welcomes applicants with dual-career needs and actively works to identify opportunities for a spouse both on campus and in the local region.
Tenure-Track Position in ME & IE
The Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in mechanical engineering.
Imaging science, soft matter and biomaterials, energy and the environment, neurotechnology, and artificial intelligence are key areas of interest within the McKelvey School of Engineering. The Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science seeks candidates with research interests in these areas and/or complementary to the department’s current research foci. The School is experiencing tremendous growth with the opening of two new buildings and a projected 20% increase in faculty numbers over the next five years.
Apply onlin at https://apply.interfolio.com/129801. Evaluation of the applications will begin by December 1, 2023.
Honda Performance Development–CFD
Honda Performance Development (Honda Racing), located in Santa Clarita, CA, has an opening for a CFD position in their Aerodynamics Group.
The job duties involve using Ansys CFD tools to calculate aerodynamics and cooling performance of Honda racing cars and working with the Design Dept. on vehicle geometry preparation and supporting development work in the Wind Tunnel. (Cf. Description of CFD work in the other HPD announcement located below.)
This is a contract employment for duration of 12 months, with a follow-up possibility of transfer to a permanent associate position with Honda.
For further information, contact
HPD Contact: Dr. Ante Soda, Tel: (661) 414-4389 E-mail: asoda@hra.com
Honda Performance Development Internship
Honda Performance Development (Honda Racing), located in Santa Clarita, CA, have two paid internship opportunities for final year masters students or recent graduates with simulation experience. They may also consider a skilled undergraduate. Applicants must be a US citizen or green card holder.
One position is open in the field of race car aerodynamics and thermodynamics simulations. Typical CFD applications include aerodynamics development of racing cars, heat transfer and CHT simulations for brake cooling, flow through heat exchangers and engine compartment flows.
The second position is available in the field of race car aerodynamics testing in wind tunnel and on track. Typical testing application fields include wind tunnel testing in a full-scale facility, on-road testing and related statistical data analysis, on-car instrumentation and related data acquisition.
For further information, contact
HPD Contact: Dr. Ante Soda, Tel: (661) 414-4389 E-mail: asoda@hra.com
ANSYS Contact: Kyle Kaplan, Kyle.Kaplan@ansys.com
DOD–SMART Scholarship
Learn more about the SMART Scholarship Program

As a means of increasing the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance, the Department of Defense offers the Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program. SMART is a competitive offering open to undergraduate or graduate students in (most) STEM programs who are citizens of the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or the UK. Scholarships include full tuition and fees, a monthly stipend, a books & supplies allowance, and a health insurance allowance. Applicants select a DoD facility or agency where they would prefer to work. Recipients are obligated to participate in summer internship programs and accept DoD employment after graduation.
The application period for scholarships beginning in 2025 opens August 01, 2024, and runs through December 6, 2024.
For more information about the SMART Scholarship Program and to apply, go to https://www.smartscholarship.org/smart.