Fokion Egolfopoulos
William E. Leonhard Professor of Engineering and Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- 1990, Doctoral Degree, Mechanical Engineering, University of California - Davis
- 1984, Master's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, San Jose State University
- 1981, Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
2013 - date: William L. Leonhard Professor in Engineering, University of Southern California2002 - 2013: Professor, University of Southern California, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
1998 - 2002: Visiting Associate and Lecturer, California Institute of Technology, Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
1997 - 2002: Associate Professor, University of Southern California, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
1991 - 1997: Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1990 - 1991: Research Associate, Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
1988- 1990: Postgraduate Research Engineer, Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
2009 - date: Editor in Chief, Combustion and Flame
2015 - date: Member of the Editorial Board, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
2014 - 2020: Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute
2003 - 2009: Associate Editor, Combustion and Flame
Research Summary
Combustion Fundamentals at Engine-Relevant ConditionsPhysical and Chemical Processes in Flames
Fuel and Pressure Effects on Turbulent Combustion
High-Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion
Plasma-Assisted Combustion
Conventional and Alternative Fuels
Mechanisms of Combustion-Generated Oxides of Nitrogen
Heterogeneous Reacting Flows
Detailed Modeling of Reacting Flows
Laser-Based Experimental Techniques
- 2024 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece 2024 Honorary Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa)
- 2018 The Combustion Institute Fellow
- 2010 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellow
- 2009 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow
- 2007 Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award,
- 1997 University of Southern California Outstanding Teaching Award in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- 1996 University of Southern California Junior Faculty Research Award in Engineering
- 1996 University of Southern California Outstanding Teaching Award in Mechanical Engineering,
- 1995 University of Southern California Fred W. O'Green Assistant Professorship in Engineering
- 1994 University of Southern California Faculty of the Month University-Wide Award, Mortar Board Senior Honor Society
- 1988 The Combustion Institute Silver Medal of Combustion
- 1988 University of California University of California Regent's Fellowship
- 1987 IBM IBM Graduate Fellowship
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- OHE 400B
- Olin Hall of Engineering
- 3650 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 1453
- (213) 740-0480
- egolfopo@usc.edu